
class thermosteam.Stream(ID='', flow=(), phase='l', T=298.15, P=101325.0, units='kmol/hr', price=0.0, thermo=None, **chemical_flows)[source]

Create a Stream object that defines material flow rates along with its thermodynamic state. Thermodynamic and transport properties of a stream are available as properties, while thermodynamic equilbrium (e.g. VLE, and bubble and dew points) are available as methods.

  • ID='' (str) – A unique identification. If ID is None, stream will not be registered. If no ID is given, stream will be registered with a unique ID.

  • flow=() (Iterable[float]) – All flow rates corresponding to chemical IDs.

  • phase='l' ('l', 'g', or 's') – Either gas (g), liquid (l), or solid (s).

  • T=298.15 (float) – Temperature [K].

  • P=101325 (float) – Pressure [Pa].

  • units='kmol/hr' (str) – Flow rate units of measure (only mass, molar, and volumetric flow rates are valid).

  • price=0 (float) – Price per unit mass [USD/kg].

  • thermo=None (Thermo) – Thermo object to initialize input and output streams. Defaults to biosteam.settings.get_thermo().

  • **chemical_flows (float) – ID - flow pairs.


Before creating a stream, first set the chemicals:

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)

Create a stream, defining the thermodynamic condition and flow rates:

>>> s1 = tmo.Stream(ID='s1',
...                 Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr',
...                 T=298.15, P=101325, phase='l')
>>>'kg/hr') # Use the show method to select units of display
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    20
               Ethanol  10
>>>, flow='kg/hr') # Its also possible to show by composition
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 composition: Water    0.667
              Ethanol  0.333
              -------  30 kg/hr

All flow rates are stored as an array in the mol attribute:

>>> s1.mol # Molar flow rates [kmol/hr]
array([1.11 , 0.217])

Mass and volumetric flow rates are available as property arrays:

>>> s1.mass
property_array([<Water: 20 kg/hr>, <Ethanol: 10 kg/hr>])
>>> s1.vol
property_array([<Water: 0.02006 m^3/hr>, <Ethanol: 0.012722 m^3/hr>])

These arrays work just like ordinary arrays, but the data is linked to the molar flows:

>>> # Mass flows are always up to date with molar flows
>>> s1.mol[0] = 1
>>> s1.mass[0]
<Water: 18.015 kg/hr>
>>> # Changing mass flows changes molar flows
>>> s1.mass[0] *= 2
>>> s1.mol[0]
>>> # Property arrays act just like normal arrays
>>> s1.mass + 2
array([38.031, 12.   ])

The temperature, pressure and phase are attributes as well:

>>> (s1.T, s1.P, s1.phase)
(298.15, 101325.0, 'l')

The most convinient way to get and set flow rates is through the get_flow and set_flow methods:

>>> # Set flow
>>> s1.set_flow(1, 'gpm', 'Water')
>>> s1.get_flow('gpm', 'Water')
>>> # Set multiple flows
>>> s1.set_flow([10, 20], 'kg/hr', ('Ethanol', 'Water'))
>>> s1.get_flow('kg/hr', ('Ethanol', 'Water'))
array([10., 20.])

It is also possible to index using IDs through the imol, imass, and ivol indexers:

ChemicalMolarFlowIndexer (kmol/hr):
 (l) Water    1.11
     Ethanol  0.2171
>>> s1.imol['Water']
>>> s1.imol['Ethanol', 'Water']
array([0.217, 1.11 ])

Thermodynamic properties are available as stream properties:

>>> s1.H # Enthalpy (kJ/hr)

Note that the reference enthalpy is 0.0 at the reference temperature of 298.15 K, and pressure of 101325 Pa. Retrive the enthalpy at a 10 degC above the reference.

>>> s1.T += 10
>>> s1.H

Other thermodynamic properties are temperature and pressure dependent as well:

>>> s1.rho # Density [kg/m3]

It may be more convinient to get properties with different units:

>>> s1.get_property('rho', 'g/cm3')

It is also possible to set some of the properties in different units:

>>> s1.set_property('T', 40, 'degC')
>>> s1.T

Bubble point and dew point computations can be performed through stream methods:

>>> bp = s1.bubble_point_at_P() # Bubble point at constant pressure
>>> bp
BubblePointValues(T=357.09, P=101325, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.836 0.164], y=[0.49 0.51])

The bubble point results contain all results as attributes:

>>> bp.T # Temperature [K]
>>> bp.y # Vapor composition
array([0.49, 0.51])

Vapor-liquid equilibrium can be performed by setting 2 degrees of freedom from the following list: T [Temperature; in K], P [Pressure; in Pa], V [Vapor fraction], H [Enthalpy; in kJ/hr].

Set vapor fraction and pressure of the stream:

>>> s1.vle(P=101325, V=0.5)
MultiStream: s1
 phases: ('g', 'l'), T: 364.8 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kmol/hr): (g) Water    0.472
                     Ethanol  0.192
                 (l) Water    0.638
                     Ethanol  0.0255

Note that the stream is a now a MultiStream object to manage multiple phases. Each phase can be accessed separately too:

>>> s1['l'].show()
 phase: 'l', T: 364.8 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kmol/hr): Water    0.638
                 Ethanol  0.0255
>>> s1['g'].show()
 phase: 'g', T: 364.8 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kmol/hr): Water    0.472
                 Ethanol  0.192

We can convert a MultiStream object back to a Stream object by setting the phase:

>>> s1.phase = 'l'
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 364.8 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    20
               Ethanol  10
display_units = DisplayUnits(T='K', P='Pa', flow='kmol/hr', composition=False, N=7)

[DisplayUnits] Units of measure for IPython display (class attribute)


Does nothing.

property price

[float] Price of stream per unit mass [USD/kg.


Return whether or not stream is empty.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True)
>>> stream = tmo.Stream()
>>> stream.isempty()
property vapor_fraction

Molar vapor fraction.

property liquid_fraction

Molar liquid fraction.

property solid_fraction

Molar solid fraction.


Return whether stream has a sink but no source.


Return whether stream has a source but no sink.

property main_chemical

[str] ID of chemical with the largest mol fraction in stream.


Disconnect stream from unit operations.


Return flow rate of atom in kmol / hr given the atomic symbol.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True)
>>> stream = tmo.Stream(Water=1)
>>> stream.get_atomic_flow('H') # kmol/hr of H
>>> stream.get_atomic_flow('O') # kmol/hr of O

Return dictionary of atomic flow rates in kmol / hr.

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True)
>>> stream = tmo.Stream(Water=1)
>>> stream.get_atomic_flows()
{'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0}
get_flow(units, key=Ellipsis)[source]

Return an flow rates in requested units.

  • units (str) – Units of measure.

  • key (tuple[str] or str, optional) – Chemical identifiers.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.get_flow('kg/hr', 'Water')
set_flow(data, units, key=Ellipsis)[source]

Set flow rates in given units.

  • data (1d ndarray or float) – Flow rate data.

  • units (str) – Units of measure.

  • key (Iterable[str] or str, optional) – Chemical identifiers.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream(ID='s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.set_flow(10, 'kg/hr', 'Water')
>>> s1.get_flow('kg/hr', 'Water')

Get total flow rate in given units.


units (str) – Units of measure.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.get_total_flow('kg/hr')
set_total_flow(value, units)[source]

Set total flow rate in given units keeping the composition constant.

  • value (float) – New total flow rate.

  • units (str) – Units of measure.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.set_total_flow(1.0,'kg/hr')
>>> s1.get_total_flow('kg/hr')
get_property(name, units)[source]

Return property in requested units.

  • name (str) – Name of stream property.

  • units (str) – Units of measure.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.get_property('sigma', 'N/m') # Surface tension
set_property(name, value, units)[source]

Set property in given units.

  • name (str) – Name of stream property.

  • value (str) – New value of stream property.

  • units (str) – Units of measure.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.set_property('P', 2, 'atm')
>>> s1.P
property source

[Unit] Outlet location.

property sink

[Unit] Inlet location.

property thermal_condition

[ThermalCondition] Contains the temperature and pressure conditions of the stream.

property T

[float] Temperature in Kelvin.

property P

[float] Pressure in Pascal.

property phase

Phase of stream.

property mol

[array] Molar flow rates in kmol/hr.

property mass

[property_array] Mass flow rates in kg/hr.

property vol

[property_array] Volumetric flow rates in m3/hr.

property imol

[Indexer] Flow rate indexer with data in kmol/hr.

property imass

[Indexer] Flow rate indexer with data in kg/hr.

property ivol

[Indexer] Flow rate indexer with data in m3/hr.

property cost

[float] Total cost of stream in USD/hr.

property F_mol

[float] Total molar flow rate in kmol/hr.

property F_mass

[float] Total mass flow rate in kg/hr.

property F_vol

[float] Total volumetric flow rate in m3/hr.

property H

[float] Enthalpy flow rate in kJ/hr.

property S

[float] Absolute entropy flow rate in kJ/hr.

property Hnet

[float] Total enthalpy flow rate (including heats of formation) in kJ/hr.

property Hf

[float] Enthalpy of formation flow rate in kJ/hr.

property LHV

[float] Lower heating value flow rate in kJ/hr.

property HHV

[float] Higher heating value flow rate in kJ/hr.

property Hvap

[float] Enthalpy of vaporization flow rate in kJ/hr.

property C

[float] Heat capacity flow rate in kJ/K/hr.

property z_mol

[1d array] Molar composition.

property z_mass

[1d array] Mass composition.

property z_vol

[1d array] Volumetric composition.

property MW

[float] Overall molecular weight.

property V

[float] Molar volume [m^3/mol].

property kappa

[float] Thermal conductivity [W/m/k].

property Cn

[float] Molar heat capacity [J/mol/K].

property mu

[float] Hydrolic viscosity [Pa*s].

property sigma

[float] Surface tension [N/m].

property epsilon

[float] Relative permittivity [-].

property Cp

[float] Heat capacity [J/g/K].

property alpha

[float] Thermal diffusivity [m^2/s].

property rho

[float] Density [kg/m^3].

property nu

[float] Kinematic viscosity [-].

property Pr

[float] Prandtl number [-].

property available_chemicals

list[Chemical] All chemicals with nonzero flow.


Return whether or not stream is in thermal equilibrium with another stream.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> stream = Stream(Water=1, T=300)
>>> other = Stream(Water=1, T=300)
>>> stream.in_thermal_equilibrium(other)
classmethod sum(streams, ID=None, thermo=None)[source]

Return a new Stream object that represents the sum of all given streams.


Sum two streams:

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s_sum = tmo.Stream.sum([s1, s1], 's_sum')
Stream: s_sum
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    40
               Ethanol  20

Sum two streams with new property package:

>>> thermo = tmo.Thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol'], cache=True)
>>> s_sum = tmo.Stream.sum([s1, s1], 's_sum', thermo)
Stream: s_sum
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    40
               Ethanol  20

Mix all other streams into this one, ignoring its initial contents.


Mix two streams with the same thermodynamic property package:

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s2 = s1.copy('s2')
>>> s1.mix_from([s1, s2])
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    40
               Ethanol  20

It’s also possible to mix streams with different property packages so long as all chemicals are defined in the mixed stream’s property package:

>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=40, units='kg/hr')
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2', Ethanol=20, units='kg/hr')
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s_mix = tmo.Stream('s_mix')
>>> s_mix.mix_from([s1, s2])
Stream: s_mix
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    40
               Ethanol  20
split_to(s1, s2, split)[source]

Split molar flow rate from this stream to two others given the split fraction or an array of split fractions.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(chemicals)
>>> s = tmo.Stream('s', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1')
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2')
>>> split = chemicals.kwarray(dict(Water=0.5, Ethanol=0.1))
>>> s.split_to(s1, s2, split)
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    10
               Ethanol  1
Stream: s2
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    10
               Ethanol  9

Link with another stream.

  • other (Stream) –

  • flow (bool, defaults to True) – Whether to link the flow rate data.

  • phase (bool, defaults to True) – Whether to link the phase.

  • TP (bool, defaults to True) – Whether to link the temperature and pressure.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2')
>>> s2.link_with(s1)
>>> s1.mol is s2.mol
>>> s2.thermal_condition is s1.thermal_condition
>>> s1.phase = 'g'
>>> s2.phase

Unlink stream from other streams.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2')
>>> s2.link_with(s1)
>>> s1.unlink()
>>> s2.mol is s1.mol

Copy all conditions of another stream.


Copy data from another stream with the same property package:

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2', Water=2, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.copy_like(s2)
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water  2

Copy data from another stream with a different property package:

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water'], cache=True)
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2', Water=2, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.copy_like(s2)
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water  2

Copy thermal conditions (T and P) of another stream.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=2, units='kg/hr')
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2', Water=1, units='kg/hr', T=300.00)
>>> s1.copy_thermal_condition(s2)
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 300 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water  2
copy_flow(stream, IDs=Ellipsis, *, remove=False, exclude=False)[source]

Copy flow rates of stream to self.

  • stream (Stream) – Flow rates will be copied from here.

  • IDs=... (Iterable[str], defaults to all chemicals.) – Chemical IDs.

  • remove=False (bool, optional) – If True, copied chemicals will be removed from stream.

  • exclude=False (bool, optional) – If True, exclude designated chemicals when copying.


Initialize streams:

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2')

Copy all flows:

>>> s2.copy_flow(s1)
Stream: s2
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    20
               Ethanol  10

Reset and copy just water flow:

>>> s2.empty()
>>> s2.copy_flow(s1, 'Water')
Stream: s2
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water  20

Reset and copy all flows except water:

>>> s2.empty()
>>> s2.copy_flow(s1, 'Water', exclude=True)
Stream: s2
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Ethanol  10

Cut and paste flows:

>>> s2.copy_flow(s1, remove=True)
Stream: s2
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    20
               Ethanol  10
Stream: s1
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow: 0

Its also possible to copy flows from a multistream:

>>> s1.phases = ('g', 'l')
>>> s1.imol['g', 'Water'] = 10
>>> s2.copy_flow(s1, remove=True)
Stream: s2
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kmol/hr): Water  10
MultiStream: s1
 phases: ('g', 'l'), T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow: 0

Return a copy of the stream.


Create a copy of a new stream:

>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1_copy = s1.copy('s1_copy')
Stream: s1_copy
 phase: 'l', T: 298.15 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kg/hr): Water    20
               Ethanol  10


Prices are not copied.


Return a new stream that shares flow rate data with this one.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s2 = s1.flow_proxy()
>>> s2.mol is s1.mol

Return a new stream that shares all data with this one.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s2 = s1.proxy()
>>> s2.imol is s1.imol and s2.thermal_condition is s1.thermal_condition

Empty stream flow rates.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.empty()
>>> s1.F_mol
property vle

[VLE] An object that can perform vapor-liquid equilibrium on the stream.

property lle

[LLE] An object that can perform liquid-liquid equilibrium on the stream.

property sle

[SLE] An object that can perform solid-liquid equilibrium on the stream.

property vle_chemicals

list[Chemical] Chemicals cabable of liquid-liquid equilibrium.

property lle_chemicals

list[Chemical] Chemicals cabable of vapor-liquid equilibrium.


Return a BubblePoint object capable of computing bubble points.


IDs (Iterable[str], optional) – Chemicals that participate in equilibrium. Defaults to all chemicals in equilibrium.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, T=350, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.get_bubble_point()
BubblePoint([Water, Ethanol])

Return a DewPoint object capable of computing dew points.


IDs (Iterable[str], optional) – Chemicals that participate in equilibrium. Defaults to all chemicals in equilibrium.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, T=350, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.get_dew_point()
DewPoint([Water, Ethanol])
bubble_point_at_T(T=None, IDs=None)[source]

Return a BubblePointResults object with all data on the bubble point at constant temperature.


IDs (Iterable[str], optional) – Chemicals that participate in equilibrium. Defaults to all chemicals in equilibrium.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, T=350, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.bubble_point_at_T()
BubblePointValues(T=350.00, P=76622, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.836 0.164], y=[0.486 0.514])
bubble_point_at_P(P=None, IDs=None)[source]

Return a BubblePointResults object with all data on the bubble point at constant pressure.


IDs (Iterable[str], optional) – Chemicals that participate in equilibrium. Defaults to all chemicals in equilibrium.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, T=350, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.bubble_point_at_P()
BubblePointValues(T=357.09, P=101325, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.836 0.164], y=[0.49 0.51])
dew_point_at_T(T=None, IDs=None)[source]

Return a DewPointResults object with all data on the dew point at constant temperature.


IDs (Iterable[str], optional) – Chemicals that participate in equilibrium. Defaults to all chemicals in equilibrium.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, T=350, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.dew_point_at_T()
DewPointValues(T=350.00, P=48991, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.836 0.164], x=[0.984 0.016])
dew_point_at_P(P=None, IDs=None)[source]

Return a DewPointResults object with all data on the dew point at constant pressure.


IDs (Iterable[str], optional) – Chemicals that participate in equilibrium. Defaults to all chemicals in equilibrium.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, T=350, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.dew_point_at_P()
DewPointValues(T=368.66, P=101325, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.836 0.164], x=[0.984 0.016])

Return normalized molar fractions of given chemicals. The sum of the result is always 1.


IDs (tuple[str]) – IDs of chemicals to be normalized.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, Methanol=10, units='kmol/hr')
>>> s1.get_normalized_mol(('Water', 'Ethanol'))
array([0.667, 0.333])

Return normalized mass fractions of given chemicals. The sum of the result is always 1.


IDs (tuple[str]) – IDs of chemicals to be normalized.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, Methanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.get_normalized_mass(('Water', 'Ethanol'))
array([0.667, 0.333])

Return normalized mass fractions of given chemicals. The sum of the result is always 1.


IDs (tuple[str]) – IDs of chemicals to be normalized.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, Methanol=10, units='m3/hr')
>>> s1.get_normalized_vol(('Water', 'Ethanol'))
array([0.667, 0.333])

Return molar composition of given chemicals.


IDs (tuple[str]) – IDs of chemicals.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, Methanol=10, units='kmol/hr')
>>> s1.get_molar_composition(('Water', 'Ethanol'))
array([0.5 , 0.25])

Return mass composition of given chemicals.


IDs (tuple[str]) – IDs of chemicals.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, Methanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.get_mass_composition(('Water', 'Ethanol'))
array([0.5 , 0.25])

Return volumetric composition of given chemicals.


IDs (tuple[str]) – IDs of chemicals.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, Methanol=10, units='m3/hr')
>>> s1.get_volumetric_composition(('Water', 'Ethanol'))
array([0.5 , 0.25])
property ID

Unique identification (str). If set as ‘’, it will choose a default ID.


Return concentration of given chemicals in kmol/m3.


IDs (tuple[str]) – IDs of chemicals.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', Water=20, Ethanol=10, Methanol=10, units='m3/hr')
>>> s1.get_concentration(('Water', 'Ethanol'))
array([27.671,  4.266])
property P_vapor

Vapor pressure of liquid.

receive_vent(other, accumulate=False, fraction=1.0)[source]

Receive vapors from another stream as if in equilibrium.


Disregards energy balance. Assumes liquid composition will not change significantly.


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'Ethanol', 'Methanol', tmo.Chemical('N2', phase='g')], cache=True)
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(chemicals)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream('s1', N2=10, units='m3/hr', phase='g', T=330)
>>> s2 = tmo.Stream('s2', Water=10, Ethanol=2, T=330)
>>> s1.receive_vent(s2, accumulate=True)
Stream: s1
 phase: 'g', T: 330 K, P: 101325 Pa
 flow (kmol/hr): Water    0.0557
                 Ethanol  0.0616
                 N2       0.369

[Stream] Data on the thermal condition and material flow rates may be shared with this stream.

property phases

tuple[str] All phases present.

show(T=None, P=None, flow=None, composition=None, N=None)[source]

Print all specifications.

  • T (str, optional) – Temperature units.

  • P (str, optional) – Pressure units.

  • flow (str, optional) – Flow rate units.

  • composition (bool, optional) – Whether to show composition.

  • N (int, optional) – Number of compounds to display.


Default values are stored in Stream.display_units.


Print in a format that you can use recreate the stream.


units (str, optional) – Units of measure for material flow rates. Defaults to ‘kmol/hr’


>>> import thermosteam as tmo
>>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True)
>>> s1 = tmo.Stream(ID='s1',
...                 Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr',
...                 T=298.15, P=101325, phase='l')
>>> s1.print(units='kg/hr')
Stream(ID='s1', phase='l', T=298.15, P=101325, Water=20, Ethanol=10, units='kg/hr')
>>> s1.print() # Units default to kmol/hr
Stream(ID='s1', phase='l', T=298.15, P=101325, Water=1.11, Ethanol=0.2171, units='kmol/hr')