Source code for thermosteam.equilibrium.bubble_point

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BioSTEAM: The Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules
# Copyright (C) 2020, Yoel Cortes-Pena <>
# This module is under the UIUC open-source license. See 
# for license details.
from numpy import asarray, array
import flexsolve as flx
from ..exceptions import InfeasibleRegion, DomainError
from .solve_vle_composition import solve_y
from .. import functional as fn
from ..utils import fill_like, Cache
from .._settings import settings

__all__ = ('BubblePoint', 'BubblePointValues', 'BubblePointCache')

# %% Bubble point values container

class BubblePointValues:
    __slots__ = ('T', 'P', 'IDs', 'z', 'y')
    def __init__(self, T, P, IDs, z, y):
        self.T = T
        self.P = P
        self.IDs = IDs
        self.z = z
        self.y = y
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{type(self).__name__}(T={self.T:.2f}, P={self.P:.0f}, IDs={self.IDs}, z={self.z}, y={self.y})"

# %% Bubble point calculation

[docs]class BubblePoint: """ Create a BubblePoint object that returns bubble point values when called with a composition and either a temperture (T) or pressure (P). Parameters ---------- chemicals=() : Iterable[Chemical], optional thermo=None : Thermo, optional Examples -------- >>> import thermosteam as tmo >>> chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True) >>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(chemicals) >>> BP = tmo.equilibrium.BubblePoint(chemicals) >>> molar_composition = (0.5, 0.5) >>> # Solve bubble point at constant temperature >>> bp = BP(z=molar_composition, T=355) >>> bp BubblePointValues(T=355.00, P=109755, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.5 0.5], y=[0.343 0.657]) >>> # Note that the result is a BubblePointValues object which contain all results as attibutes >>> (bp.T, round(bp.P), bp.IDs, bp.z, bp.y) (355, 109755, ('Water', 'Ethanol'), array([0.5, 0.5]), array([0.343, 0.657])) >>> # Solve bubble point at constant pressure >>> BP(z=molar_composition, P=101325) BubblePointValues(T=352.95, P=101325, IDs=('Water', 'Ethanol'), z=[0.5 0.5], y=[0.342 0.658]) """ __slots__ = ('chemicals', 'IDs', 'gamma', 'phi', 'pcf', 'P', 'T', 'y', 'Psats', 'Tmin', 'Tmax', 'Pmin', 'Pmax') Tmin_default = 150. _cached = {} def __init__(self, chemicals=(), thermo=None): thermo = settings.get_default_thermo(thermo) chemicals = tuple(chemicals) key = (chemicals, thermo.Gamma, thermo.Phi, thermo.PCF) cached = self._cached if key in cached: other = cached[key] fill_like(self, other, self.__slots__) else: self.IDs = tuple([i.ID for i in chemicals]) self.gamma = thermo.Gamma(chemicals) self.phi = thermo.Phi(chemicals) self.pcf = thermo.PCF(chemicals) self.Psats = Psats = [i.Psat for i in chemicals] self.Tmin = Tmin = max(max([i.Tmin for i in Psats]) + 1e-3, self.Tmin_default) self.Tmax = Tmax = min([i.Tmax for i in Psats]) - 1e-3 self.Pmin = min([i(Tmin) for i in Psats]) self.Pmax = max([i(Tmax) for i in Psats]) self.chemicals = chemicals self.P = self.T = self.y = None cached[key] = self def _T_error(self, T, P, z_over_P, z_norm): if T <= 0: raise InfeasibleRegion('negative temperature') y_phi = (z_over_P * array([i(T) for i in self.Psats]) * self.gamma(z_norm, T) * self.pcf(z_norm, T)) self.y = solve_y(y_phi, self.phi, T, P, self.y) return 1. - self.y.sum() def _P_error(self, P, T, z_Psat_gamma_pcf): if P <= 0: raise InfeasibleRegion('negative pressure') y_phi = z_Psat_gamma_pcf / P self.y = solve_y(y_phi, self.phi, T, P, self.y) return 1. - self.y.sum() def _T_error_ideal(self, T, z_over_P): self.y = y = z_over_P * array([i(T) for i in self.Psats]) return 1 - y.sum() def _T_ideal(self, z_over_P): f = self._T_error_ideal args = (z_over_P,) Tmin = self.Tmin Tmax = self.Tmax T = flx.IQ_interpolation(f, Tmin, Tmax, f(Tmin, *args), f(Tmax, *args), None, 1e-9, 5e-12, args, checkbounds=False) return T def _P_ideal(self, z_Psat_gamma_pcf): return z_Psat_gamma_pcf.sum()
[docs] def __call__(self, z, *, T=None, P=None): z = asarray(z, float) if T: if P: raise ValueError("may specify either T or P, not both") P, y = self.solve_Py(z, T) elif P: T, y = self.solve_Ty(z, P) else: raise ValueError("must specify either T or P") return BubblePointValues(T, P, self.IDs, z, y)
[docs] def solve_Ty(self, z, P): """ Bubble point at given composition and pressure. Parameters ---------- z : ndarray Molar composotion. P : float Pressure [Pa]. Returns ------- T : float Bubble point temperature [K]. y : ndarray Vapor phase molar composition. Examples -------- >>> import thermosteam as tmo >>> import numpy as np >>> chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True) >>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(chemicals) >>> BP = tmo.equilibrium.BubblePoint(chemicals) >>> BP.solve_Ty(z=np.array([0.6, 0.4]), P=101325) (353.7543, array([0.381, 0.619])) """ self.P = P f = self._T_error z_norm = z / z.sum() z_over_P = z_norm/P args = (P, z_over_P, z_norm) T_guess = self.T or self._T_ideal(z_over_P) try: T = flx.aitken_secant(f, T_guess, T_guess + 1e-3, 1e-9, 5e-12, args, checkiter=False) except (InfeasibleRegion, DomainError): Tmin = self.Tmin; Tmax = self.Tmax T = flx.IQ_interpolation(f, Tmin, Tmax, f(Tmin, *args), f(Tmax, *args), T_guess, 1e-9, 5e-12, args, checkiter=False, checkbounds=False) self.y = fn.normalize(self.y) return T, self.y.copy()
[docs] def solve_Py(self, z, T): """ Bubble point at given composition and temperature. Parameters ---------- z : ndarray Molar composotion. T : float Temperature [K]. Returns ------- P : float Bubble point pressure [Pa]. y : ndarray Vapor phase molar composition. Examples -------- >>> import thermosteam as tmo >>> import numpy as np >>> chemicals = tmo.Chemicals(['Water', 'Ethanol'], cache=True) >>> tmo.settings.set_thermo(chemicals) >>> BP = tmo.equilibrium.BubblePoint(chemicals) >>> BP.solve_Py(z=np.array([0.703, 0.297]), T=352.28) (91830.9798, array([0.419, 0.581])) """ self.T = T Psat = array([i(T) for i in self.Psats]) z_norm = z / z.sum() z_Psat_gamma_pcf = z * Psat * self.gamma(z_norm, T) * self.pcf(z_norm, T) f = self._P_error args = (T, z_Psat_gamma_pcf) P_guess = self.P or self._P_ideal(z_Psat_gamma_pcf) try: P = flx.aitken_secant(f, P_guess, P_guess-1, 1e-3, 1e-9, args, checkiter=False) except (InfeasibleRegion, DomainError): Pmin = self.Pmin; Pmax = self.Pmax P = flx.IQ_interpolation(f, Pmin, Pmax, f(Pmin, *args), f(Pmax, *args), P_guess, 1e-3, 5e-12, args, checkiter=False, checkbounds=False) self.y = fn.normalize(self.y) return P, self.y.copy()
def __repr__(self): chemicals = ", ".join([i.ID for i in self.chemicals]) return f"{type(self).__name__}([{chemicals}])"
class BubblePointCache(Cache): load = BubblePoint del Cache