
class thermosteam.mixture.Mixture(rule, Cn, H, S, H_excess, S_excess, mu, V, kappa, Hvap, sigma, epsilon, include_excess_energies=False)[source]

Create an Mixture object for estimating mixture properties.

  • rule (str) – Description of mixing rules used.

  • Cn (function(phase, mol, T)) – Molar heat capacity mixture model [J/mol/K].

  • H (function(phase, mol, T)) – Enthalpy mixture model [J/mol].

  • S (function(phase, mol, T, P)) – Entropy mixture model [J/mol].

  • H_excess (function(phase, mol, T, P)) – Excess enthalpy mixture model [J/mol].

  • S_excess (function(phase, mol, T, P)) – Excess entropy mixture model [J/mol].

  • mu (function(phase, mol, T, P)) – Dynamic viscosity mixture model [Pa*s].

  • V (function(phase, mol, T, P)) – Molar volume mixture model [m^3/mol].

  • kappa (function(phase, mol, T, P)) – Thermal conductivity mixture model [W/m/K].

  • Hvap (function(mol, T)) – Heat of vaporization mixture model [J/mol]

  • sigma (function(mol, T, P)) – Surface tension mixture model [N/m].

  • epsilon (function(mol, T, P)) – Relative permitivity mixture model [-]

  • include_excess_energies=False (bool) – Whether to include excess energies in enthalpy and entropy calculations.


Although the mixture models are on a molar basis, this is only if the molar data is normalized before the calculation (i.e. the mol parameter is normalized before being passed to the model).


Description of mixing rules used.




Whether to include excess energies in enthalpy and entropy calculations.



Cn(phase, mol, T)

Mixture molar heat capacity [J/mol/K].

mu(phase, mol, T, P)

Mixture dynamic viscosity [Pa*s].

V(phase, mol, T, P)

Mixture molar volume [m^3/mol].

kappa(phase, mol, T, P)

Mixture thermal conductivity [W/m/K].

Hvap(mol, T, P)

Mixture heat of vaporization [J/mol]

sigma(mol, T, P)

Mixture surface tension [N/m].

epsilon(mol, T, P)

Mixture relative permitivity [-].

H(phase, mol, T, P)[source]

Return enthalpy [J/mol].

S(phase, mol, T, P)[source]

Return entropy in [J/mol].

solve_T(phase, mol, H, T_guess, P)[source]

Solve for temperature in Kelvin.

xsolve_T(phase_mol, H, T_guess, P)[source]

Solve for temperature in Kelvin.

xCn(phase_mol, T)[source]

Multi-phase mixture heat capacity [J/mol/K].

xH(phase_mol, T, P)[source]

Multi-phase mixture enthalpy [J/mol].

xS(phase_mol, T, P)[source]

Multi-phase mixture entropy [J/mol].

xV(phase_mol, T, P)[source]

Multi-phase mixture molar volume [mol/m^3].

xmu(phase_mol, T, P)[source]

Multi-phase mixture hydrolic [Pa*s].

xkappa(phase_mol, T, P)[source]

Multi-phase mixture thermal conductivity [W/m/K].